Haiyan’s Five Villages Identified as Provincial-level Future Villages 2023

  • Release date:2024-02-01  12:29
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  • Recently, Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Zhejiang, Department of Finance of Zhejiang and Landscape Office of Zhejiang jointly announced the evaluation result of the construction of Zhejiang’s future villages of 2023, and 292 villages were identified as the third provincial-level future villages. Haiyan’s five villages were included into the future villages 2023: Liuli, Chayuan, Fengyi, Jinxing and Qingliansi.

    Liuli, a village of Ganpu Town (Scenic Area of South-north Lake), has carried forward Zhujiamen culture, constructed beautiful courtyards, improved “15-minute quality cultural life circles” and “15-minute retirement life circles”, promoted rural basic public services and agro-cultural tourism industry to build Liuli into a digitized village with profound culture and a good ecological environment. “On the one hand, we have given full play to our advantage as a Taobao village to vigorously develop e-commerce industry; and on the other hand, we have upgraded and renovated the recreation zone of Zhujiamen, the art zone of old granaries, rural roads, parking systems and the public services in terms of rural health care, culture and sports,” said Gan Zhouping, the Party committee secretary of Liuli Village.

    Based on the unique advantages of its selenium-rich land, Chayuan, another village of this town, has taken a new economic development road, i.e. “selenium-rich agriculture + tourism” and “selenium-rich agriculture + health industry” to integrate agriculture, culture and tourism and develop beautiful environment-based economy. This village has made the best use of existing public space resources like squares and exhibition halls to connect different entertainment venues and people’s houses, improved living facilities, constructed “10-minute rural life circles” and explored the construction of suburban villages for further urban and rural integrated development.

    Based on its rivers, mountains, characteristic tea, mine pits, Huyang Sheep and health resources, Fengyi, a village of Tongyuan Town, has created a “quality entertainment +” rural tourism IP to develop characteristic tourism economy, formulated reasonable plans for digital application scenarios for rural governance, rural industry and smart cultural tourism to make children and the old happier, which has attracted the young to work and live in the village.

    Jinxing, a village of Wuyuan Sub-district, has made the best of its beautiful natural resources, vigorously developed characteristic agriculture like ecologically friendly planting, agricultural product processing, rural tourism, agritainment and B&B to build Jixing- “Hometown for Number One Scholar (a title conferred on the one who came first in the highest imperial examination) ”into a future village. Following the principle “joint construction and sharing”, this village has worked hard to improve communities’ quality, create smart life space, enrich its culture and implement the project “beautifying rivers and lakes around the village” to enhance its living environment and villagers’ environment awareness.

    Based on its rice culture and charming ecological environment, Qingliansi, a village of Wanghai Sub-district, has created a future rural ecological circle integrating industries, culture, digital economy and supporting services and accelerated the integrated development of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries to build an intelligent rice industry-dominated future village model.

    The construction of future villages is one of the measures taken by Zhejiang to continuously promote rural comprehensive revitalization and farmers’ common prosperity and build a new rural model that leads digital life, presents future elements, highlights Jiangnan’s charm (“Jiangnan” means the regions south of the Yangtze River) and explores the way for rural comprehensive revitalization.

    In recent years, Haiyan has taken the future rural construction as an opportunity, created a industrial clusters-based development model and vigorously constructed Haiyan’s southern model belt of the future village full of clear lakes, green mountains, fertile farmlands and charming living environment to build the county into a beautiful landscape painting and a future village model taking the lead in Jiaxing.

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