Haiyan’s Fsilon Shortlisted for National Trade Brand Value Promotion Action

  • Release date:2024-01-18  16:58
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  • Not long ago, China National Intellectual Property Administration publicized Enterprises’ Trademark Brands, Regional Trademark Brands and Trademark Brand Guidance Stations shortlisted for Enterprises and Cities’ Trademark Brand Value Promotion Action. “Fsilon”, a trademark of Haiyan Fsilon Home Decoration and Building Materials Co., Ltd. was included into Enterprises’ Trademark Brands. Including Fislon, Jiaxing had four trademarks shortlisted for Enterprises’ Trade Brands.

    Located in Wuyuan, Fsilon Home Decoration and Building Materials Co., Ltd. is one of the leading enterprises engaged in integrated home decoration industry. It was founded in 2007 and went public in Shanghai Stock Exchange in August 2020. The company won over 10 national and provincial honors such as “National High-tech Enterprise” “National Intellectual Property Demonstration Enterprise” “Provincial Intellectual Property Demonstration Enterprise of Zhejiang” “3A Contractually Trustworthy Enterprises” and “Zhejiang’s SME Enterprises Being Specialized and Sophisticated and Producing New and Unique Products”.

    Enterprises and Cities’ Trademark Brand Value Promotion Action has been implemented by China National Intellectual Property Administration since April 2023, aiming to implement the trademark brand strategy, give full play to the basic role of the trademark system, effectively improve enterprises’ and regional trademark brand value, and transform enterprises and regions’ “products” into “brands” rapidly.

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