Three Rural Halls Upgraded as Provincial-level Five-star Ones

  • Release date:2023-06-02  16:43
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  • Several days ago, three villages’ culture halls of Shendang, Xinlian and Jiangwei of Haiyan were included into the list of Five-star Rural Culture Halls of Zhejiang of 2022, according to the news from the Publicity Department of the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee.

    Located in Shendang, a town of the county, the Culture Hall of Yongqing Village  integrates the functions of the culture hall, culture exhibition hall, library, cafe bar and multifunctional hall. In 2023, “Our Rural Spring Festival Gala” of Zhejiang was held here. Since its operation in 2021, it has held more than 120 culture and sports activities.

    Constructed in 2017, the Culture Hall of Xinlian Village has organized over 50 folk culture, training and exhibition activities and artistic performances. In recent years, this village has established many art troupes, and the art troupe of this culture hall has been honored as the “most beautiful” one. In 2022 its program “Dance of Lanterns” won the provincial-level Award of the Inheritance of Intangible Culture Heritages.

    The Culture Hall of Jiangwei Village has been established as a fitness platform. Based on “Spring Earth Plan” and “Yuyin” Lecture, this culture hall has organized activities such as children’s educational enlightenment and paper cuttings, and more than 70 activities of “Our Festivals” for local people every year.

    The county started the construction of the culture halls of villages in 2013, and since 2016 each village has had one culture hall in operation. Till now there are 97 rural culture halls in Haiyan, including 13 five-star and 14 five-star ones. In the future, the county will organize regularly culture activities, attract the public forces to participate in the activities and establish multiple activity systems to build the culture halls into “spiritual homes” of the locals to enhance the quality and management of rural culture halls and keep their operation regular and development sustainable.

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