Two More Towns of Haiyan Named as Provincial-level Characteristic Towns of Zhejiang

  • Release date:2023-05-02  14:29
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  • Recently, the list of Provincial-level Characteristic Towns 2022 of Zhejiang was released by the Joint Conference Office of the Planning and Construction of Characteristic Towns of Zhejiang. Integrated Home Furnishing Fashion Town and Nuclear Power Town of Haiyan have been included into the list.

    As the base of China’s integrated ceiling industry, Integrated Home Furnishing Fashion Town of Haiyan is located in Economic Development Zone of Baibu. This town invented and manufactured the first integrated ceiling of the world in 2004, registered the first national geographic trademark of integrated ceiling industry in 2017 and won the honor “China’s Integrated Home Furnishing Industry Base” in 2021. Its integrated ceiling industry has undergone a perfect transformation, i.e. small workshops producing home appliances and ceiling tiles have been upgraded to large industrial clusters providing smart home appliances and products for whole-house decorations, home decorations, etc.

    Integrating production, happy life and good ecology, this characteristic town has achieved tremendous development in industrial agglomeration and improvement of infrastructure and environment. Up to now, integrated home furnishing enterprises of this characteristic town has totaled 231, including 50 industrial enterprises above the designated size and 11 enterprises each with an annual output value of more than 100 million yuan. Zhejiang Youpon Integrated Ceiling Co., Ltd has gone public. The town boasts 10 brands at or above provincial levels and over 1,000 national patents, and its integrated ceiling products account for over 40% of domestic market shares of China.

    Aiming to enhance people’s sense of fulfillment and satisfaction, the town has provided more supporting services and created more livable and business-friendly environment so that the town has been improved day by day. The construction of the characteristic town has promoted regional coordinated development. Baibu where this characteristic town is located has become a national ecologically friendly town, a national health town, a provincial-level economic development zone, and a pilot town to be built into a provincial-level small city. Now it has become a new type of Jiangnan town with high-quality industries, beautiful environment and elegant living. The construction of the characteristic town has smartly integrated culture and tourism elements into the whole process of industrial development and industrial chain extension. Meanwhile, the efforts have been made in Baibu to accelerate the construction and upgrading of such projects as Baibu Avenue, resulting in a more beautiful ecological environment of Baibu. The whole Baibu has been rated as a 3A-level scenic spot, and its Grammy Life Experience Center has been named as a provincial-level industrial tourism demonstration site.

    Located in Qinshan Sub-district, Haiyan Nuclear Power Town covers an area of 3.305 square kilometers. Since it was included into the list of the first characteristic towns of Zhejiang in 2015, the town has made the best of the construction of Qinshan Nuclear Power Base, China Nuclear Power City and the talent and resources of nuclear power, and focused on equipment manufacturing, producer service, and scientific and technological tourism of nuclear power to build the town into a domestically and internationally first-class nuclear power-related industry town, a scientific and technological tourism town of nuclear power, a green and low-carbon demonstration town and a high-quality livable town. In 2017, it was honored as a national 3A-level scenic spot, and it is the only nuclear element-based characteristic town in China. In addition, the town provides complete supporting facilities for community services, accommodation, catering, shopping, education and medical services. For example, in the town there are provincial-level kindergartens, municipal-level digital schoolyards, and a medical service platform with People’s Hospital of Haiyan as the main body and the Health Service Center of Xinxin Huayuan Community as clinics and consulting rooms.

    Currently, three towns of Haiyan have been included into the list of provincial-level characteristic towns of Zhejiang. Two of them mentioned above have been constructed and named as Provincial-level Characteristic Towns of Zhejiang, and the other one, Haiyan Culture and Tourism Town of Hangzhou Bay, is still under construction.

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