Haiyan’s Government Services Improved by Digitization

  • Release date:2023-02-17  09:35
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  • In recent years, Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Haiyan has intensified efforts to benefit the people and enterprises, boost economic development through digitization and made innovation in the work process to build a business environment characteristic of “fewer administrative examination and approval items, high work efficiency and service quality, and enterprises and people’s strong sense of fulfillment”, making government services transform from being “able to be provided” to “easy to be provided” and enhancing the efficiency of the government services.

    Online administrative examinations and approvals are accessible to “high-frequency” examination and approval items.

    In recent years, this bureau has adopted “Internet plus Government Services” to connect the Government Service System 3.0, Taxation Collection System and Energy Conservation Information Management Platform of Jiaxing to make their information be shared. With the help of the Internet, offline applications, delivery and acceptance of application materials, approval and payment have been all realized. A large number of government services have been provided online completely such as construction permits, the examination and approval of energy conservation of civil buildings, checking and collection of the fees of the construction of air-raid shelters. 223 items were examined and approved online in 2023.

    “Paperless services” electronize architectural drawings.

    Based on “Internet plus” technologies, this bureau can rapidly communicate with construction units, designing institutes, competent departments and the agencies checking and examining architectural drawings, which has reduced enterprises’ time and material costs and got it possible to make enterprises’ application and governments’ examination and approval happen on the same day.

    “Integrated services” get the data of government affairs shared and open.

    In July 2022, Jiaxing took the lead in integrating sewage treatment services, i.e., combing enterprises’ applications to the departments of the housing and urban-rural development for “the licence of allowing allowing sewage to run into drainage network” and to the department of water-related affairs for “allowing sewage run into drainage network” so that government services have been further enhanced, joint check and acceptance realized and enterprises’ application for government services achieved online through government-enterprise cooperation and online sharing the data, enterprise legal persons’ materials and construction surveying and mapping.

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