Research on Improving Haiyan’s Business Environment

  • Release date:2023-12-18  17:07
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  • In recent years, Haiyan has deeply optimized business environment in all aspects. On April 7 this year, the county issued “Implementation Plan of the ‘No. 1 Reform Project’ for Optimizing Haiyan’s Business Environment”, marking the county’s another effort to create a first-class business environment. Based on local situations, following suggestions are put forward to improve local business environment.

    Strengthening weak points to accelerate the development of economy, science, education and innovation. Improving government’s governance is conducive to optimizing business environment, and optimizing business environment is both conducive to improving government’s governance, and plays an important role in modernizing government’s governance system. Therefore, the government should continue to improve business environment and play a leading role in getting governments efficient, markets effective and society vigorous to pool maximum forces for economic development. Therefore, the administrative system reform should be done to define governments’ power, stimulate market mechanisms and social organizations’ vitality, and build a balanced governance system where markets, society and governments harmoniously coexist and which serves as an effective way to optimize business environment.

    Giving play to advantages to improve public services and urban construction. The county should further expand the effect of the reforms on equalizing basic public services in urban and rural areas. In December 2015, Haiyan was approved by the People’s Government of Zhejiang Province as the only pilot reform county to equalize basic public services in Zhejiang, and took the lead in “seven aspects” and achieved the “full coverage” in nine aspects in Zhejiang. By equalizing public services, the county can attract and influence registered residents and unite new residents to obtain integrated development. The county should further accelerate urban inheritance and renewal with Qiyuan Garden as the core, improve the support of culture and tourism industries, introduce new business forms for deeply integrating culture and tourism, upgrade urban environment and build Haiyan into “the most romantic city” based on the seaside sunrise. Since this summer, Haiyan has been identified as an ideal place to enjoy “the most beautiful sunrise of the Yangtze River Delta”, and “Big Windmill Night Market” has become an Internet influencer. Continuous efforts should be intensified to publicize these two brands to enhance Haiyan’s visibility.

    Strengthening the development momentum by building a law-based and digital government. The county should build a law-based business environment. Good laws and governance are the inherent requirements and powerful guarantees of the market economy. In March this year, Haiyan was identified for the 18th consecutive year as a provincial-level “Safe County”, ranking first in Jiaxing and sixth in Zhejiang in terms of evaluation results, honored as a provincial-level county (county-level cities and districts) of “Two-star Safe Gold Ding” with high scores. In the future the county should continue to make efforts in building a safe county and creating a law-based and digital business environment. On December 10, 2020, China Government Performance Management Research Center of Lanzhou University released the first county-level government performance index “Report on County-level Government Performance Indexes of China 2019”, and Haiyan ranked first among 1,697 county-level governments across the country. On this basis, the county should continue to integrate the information of various departments and terminals, accelerate efforts to eliminate “isolated information islands” and “digital barriers” to standardize government services and strengthen the cooperation of government departments.

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