Zhejiang Precision Technology Co., Ltd. Goes Public

  • Release date:2023-11-23  12:23
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  • On the morning of November 23, Zhejiang Precision Technology Co., Ltd. went public at Beijing Stock Exchange through video. Haiyan has ranked first in Jiaxing and stayed at the front in Zhejiang in the number of newly listed enterprises for the second consecutive year.

    The stock is referred to as Kunbo Precision; its code is 873570, and the initial public offering totals 7.85 million shares.

    Kunbo Precision is a state-level enterprise as a “little giant” that is specialized and sophisticated and produces new and unique products, focuses on the manufacturing of new energy equipment, automation machinery and marine engineering equipment, provides precise parts for wind turbines, industrial automation equipment, marine engineering equipment, semiconductor processing equipment, etc., as well as the complete photovoltaic monocrystalline silicon growth vacuum furnace. The company boasts a provincial forming technology R&D center for precision mechanical parts, and a postdoctoral workstation of Zhejiang University. Its self-developed bearing seat modules have been identified as the first (set) equipment of Zhejiang.

    In recent years, the county has actively seized the new opportunities of capital market reforms, strongly supported the companies with potential to go public, improved working mechanisms and optimized IPO services to help high-quality enterprises to go public. Kunbo Precision is hoped to continuously make innovation and improve the management and development quality to contribute more to Haiyan’s high-quality development. Haiyan will, as always, endeavor to create a better development environment and serve enterprises’ development heart and soul to support more enterprises to go public for leapfrog development.

    In recent years, Haiyan has implemented the strategy of “Phoenix Action” and “Striving for 50 Listed Companies”, provide the online integrated services for the companies with potential to go public, and the most accurate services for the leading enterprises and “Little Giants” put into the database of the companies with potential to go public, try to solve their problems such as property right confirmation and land, invite experts of stock exchanges and securities to guide them, hold activities to align them with capital markets, set up Capital Market Service Workstation of Haiyan to support their going public. To this day there are 59 enterprises being nurtured in Haiyan for going public.

    With joint efforts, Haiyan’s listed companies have continued to grow, and now its listed companies have totaled 11. Since 2022, the number of Haiyan’s new listed companies has reached six, ranking first in Jiaxing and strongly supporting local high-quality economic development.

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