Haiyan’s Industrial High-quality Development Pushed by “E-commerce Economy”

  • Release date:2023-11-21  16:57
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  • This year’s shopping day “November 11” is coming, and the e-commerce industry has entered the busiest period. In recent days, local e-commerce enterprises have been intensifying online and offline efforts in active and full preparation for the shopping day this year.

    During the shopping day, Yantian Textile, a famous brand of Haiyan, will attach importance to the roles of China Silk Museum, Zhejiang Province Museum, Heilongjiang Province Museum, Museum of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and Nanhu Revolution Memorial to organize a series of theme activities like “Silk Road·Qinghai” “Calligraphy·Wuxing” “Jiaxing Yuehe River” “Sailing Red Boat” and make special live streaming to enhance the influence of this brand.

    A series of cultural and creative products used for daily life, homes, offices and study like bags, paintings and mouse pads have a large number of consumers. This year, Yantian Textile has been advertised online through Tiktok, Taobao, enterprise’s WeChat Official Account, WeChat Video Account and Little Red Book. Compared with the past, this company adopted new promotion measures, that’s to say, during the live streaming this year, some interactive activities were held such as presenting gifts, answering prize-winning questions and gifts for sharing, which strengthened interactions with netizens and improved this brand’s reputation. Jiaxing Yantian Textile Culture & Creativity Co., Ltd. is a customized enterprise mainly engaged in digital textile technology innovation and cultural creativity. Its current live streaming mainly publicizes Chinese excellent traditional culture and technique characteristics. The cumulative viewers of a single live streaming has approximately totaled 10,000. This year, more than 10 customers have reached cooperation with the company and achieved online sales of more than three million yuan due to the live streaming, and the total sales this year are expected to exceed 10 million yuan.

    Located in Culture Creativity Park 1953 in Yucheng Town, Haiyan Shengyuan Agriculture Sci-tech Development Co., Ltd. is trying to take a road of selling soft-shelled turtles and high-quality grapes through e-commerce live streaming. Thanks to the preferential activities planned before the holidays of the Mid-autumn Festival the National Day this year, the company’s sales in September were twice the sales of August. Therefore, the company launched a series of preferential sales activities before the shopping day “November 11” as well and prepared beautiful gift boxes in advance to meet some consumers’ needs.

    In order to accelerate the development of local e-commerce enterprises and industry, the county has actively organized e-commerce training to settle the shortage of e-commerce personnel in recent years. By holding a series of consumption promotion activities such as “Chinese New Year Shopping Festival Online of Haiyan 2022” “Brand and Quality Online Shopping Festival & Online Shopping Festival of African Excellent Things” “Enjoy Beautiful Digital Life on November 11”, a large number of local characteristic products like agricultural products and delicacies are publicized through Haiyan’s e-commerce live streaming bases “World Wide Street” and “Yanjindou” to attract consumers. During the shopping day last year, many enterprises’ sales at Tmall, Jingdong and Tiktok achieved breakthroughs.

    Now in Haiyan, e-commerce live streaming has become a new sales channel for enterprises, and the e-commerce has given full play to its role in stimulating and upgrading consumption.

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