National and Provincial Media’s Attention Focused on Haiyan’s Development

  • Release date:2023-11-17  16:55
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  • Recently, the reporters from 21 national and provincial media like People’s Daily, Xinhua News Agency, Guangming Daily and China Daily, visited Haiyan’s Xueshuigang Village, Scenic Spot of Fengyi and Beituan Village and got to know Haiyan’s implementation of the “Double Eight Strategy” and its tremendous development in recent years.

    In Xueshuigang, the reporters visited Xueshui Reception Room, beautiful courtyards, “Small Rice” Service Point and Modern Agriculture Park of Ronghe, and deeply understood local development in recent years. On January 4, 2006, Comrade Xi Jinping, secretary of the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee then, went to Xueshuigang for an inspection on “building a new socialist countryside”. He required Haiyan serve as models in strengthening economic strength of a county, constructing a new socialist countryside and demonstrating the Party’s advanced nature (hereinafter referred to as “Three Models”). For 17 years, this village has kept in mind General Secretary’s instructions, actively implemented those requirements, and has achieved remarkable progress in economic and social development, taken the lead in all primary-level Party building demonstration spots of Jiaxing, and become one of the first of future villages of Zhejiang.

    According to Liu Weiwei, a reporter with Workers’ Daily, the earth-shaking changes in Xueshuigang obvious to all. Now in this village there are clear rivers, blue sky as well as intelligent facilities and sci-tech agricultural industry. In his opinion, the future of this future village will be better.

    The reporters went to Fengyi, finding themselves in a charming ecological picture with clear lakes, green mountains, singing birds and beautiful farmers’ houses. Then they visited the culture auditorium, library, Exhibition Hall for “Three Models” and Salt Culture Hall, and felt locals had kept in mind General Secretary Xi Jinping’s instructions, worked hard for better development  and made remarkable achievements.

    According to Liu Jie, a reporter with Farmers’ Daily, clean and comfortable villages are an important achievement for the county to improve rural environment. From the great changes of rural areas, they intuitively felt the “Double Eight Strategy” had been guiding local development.

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