Haiyan’s Rural Revitalization Accelerated by the Digital Economic Development

  • Release date:2023-01-31  15:50
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  • The Information Center of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the P.R.C. released a list of the developed counties in information technology development of agriculture and rural affairs not long ago. Haiyan was included into the list, the fourth consecutive year for it to be put on the list.

    Nowadays the development of digital economy has become an irresistible trend in the world. The deep integration of digital economy and agriculture has become a new important impetus for agricultural high-quality development. In recent years, the CPC Haiyan County Committee and People’s Government of Haiyan has implemented the “Three-year Action Plan of Overall High-quality Rural Revitalization”, placed the development of the smart agriculture and digital countryside in a very important position, integrated digital technologies into agricultural and rural development and intensified efforts to boost rural and agricultural high-quality development and agricultural intelligent production, operations, management and services to inject new impetus into rural revitalization.

    Here are local main achievements made by the county in agricultural and rural development: The county has built one provincial “Future Farm”, three provincial digital agricultural factories, upgraded 28 agricultural digital bases, put over 300 agricultural entities into the unified supervision and management platform online, built at least one county-town-village “Information Center Benefiting Farmers” in each administrative village; the app of the “Future Factory” of “Digital Qinglian” has been honored as the best app of the digital reform project of Zhejiang; the county has developed the first “App for Agricultural Economy Management of Zhejiang- Unified E-receipt of Village-based Collective Economy of Zhejiang”...

    Several days ago, Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Zhejiang released the second identified list of provincial agricultural digital factories, and Haiyan’s Digital Fishery of Jinyuzhaoxiao was put on the list. Now the agricultural digital reform is booming in Haiyan. The county is developing IOT-based intelligent facility agriculture, supporting intellisense, intelligent analysis, intelligent control, greenhouses and intelligent irrigation to be widely used in the agriculture and implementing preferential policies and playing the role of agricultural demonstration bases to make agricultural production more intelligent and effective.

    Based on its advantages, the county has served as a doer and a promoter of agricultural digital reform in recent years, strengthened the integration of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries and rural integrated reforms and improved the quality of agricultural products by accelerating the construction of agricultural digital apps. For example, the “Future Factory of Digital Qinglian” has made 95% of live pigs of Qinglian Food Co., Ltd. up to high standards; “Digital Livestock of Haiyan” has made Haiyan’s poultry products up to four safety standards; “Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Prevention and Control” has served as a “firewall” of poultry raising of the county; “Agricultural Economy Management of Zhejiang- Unified E-receipt of Village-based Collective Economy of Zhejiang” and the “Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Prevention and Control” have identified as the agricultural and rural major reforms (major apps) of Zhejiang.

    The county has extended digital services to agriculture, countryside and farmers. Now 99 county-town-village information centers benefiting farmers have been put into operation in all administrative villages. In 2022, the county sent more than1.69 million messages to farmers’ mailboxes in terms of planting, breeding, land transfer, recruitment, acquisition, etc., upgraded rural living environment and organized 18 dealers to sell and demonstrate 129 kinds of agricultural products on provincial agricultural expo platforms, strengthening people’s senses of happiness and fulfillment greatly.

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