The Curtain Fell to the Success of the 4th Charity Volunteers’ Art Performance

  • Release date:2022-09-26  10:45
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  • Themed by “Boundless Love of Haiyan”, the 4th Charity Volunteers’ Art Performance sponsored by Charity Association of Haiyan came to an end in the Starlight Studio of Media Center of Haiyan on the night of September 7, 2022.

    The dance “So Many People in the World” from Sunshine Charity Volunteer Team started the performance, followed by the programs of the other teams. Colorful performance forms and contents interpreted the true meaning of charity, showed volunteers’ contributions, publicized truth, goodness and beauty of charity, winning audience’s thunderous applause. A total of 11 programs and 138 people participated in the performance.

    In recent years, the county has been endeavoring to provide charity-oriented services. 15,022 volunteers participated in 6,315 charity activities and provided 25,000-hour services for 43,562 people in 2021. Such charity brands have been established as “Helps from Volunteer Alliance” and “The Party Helps You Grow up” to create a good charity atmosphere.

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