Preferential Policies Implemented Rapidly and Accurately with the Help of Digitization

  • Release date:2022-09-19  15:11
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  • In the live stream room of Enterprise Code Platform of Haiyan several days ago, the officials responsible for investment and innovation of Bureau of Economy and Information Technology of Haiyan introduced the policies favorable to enterprises to the managers coming from 600 industrial enterprises of Haiyan. After the live stream, quite a few managers made contacts with this bureau to inquire about how to apply for subsidies based on their own situations.

    Since the efforts intensified in Haiyan this June to strongly support enterprises, more than 20 activities like this have been organized and over 3,000 persons have attended. Major officials from about 20 government departments concerned have explained to enterprises the policies about who can apply for subsidies, what subsidy standards are, what application procedures are, etc. The explanation can be watched online or offline, which provides strong technological supports for the implementation of the favorable policies.

    Actually, local enterprises are familiar with such supports. As early as 2020, the county took the lead in Jiaxing in paying subsidies to enterprises with the help of the Cash Payment System Online of the “96871” Enterprise Service Platform, through which enterprises received the subsidies as soon as possible after their application.

    Today, the county has digitized the enterprise service system and integrated all existing preferential policies concerning enterprises into the “96871” Enterprise Service Platform and renewed it regularly. Enterprises can find preferential policies with key words, or items of industries, products, etc. The data show that 2.28 billion-yuan subsidies were payed to local enterprises through this platform in the first seven months this year.

    In addition, the county has integrated Enterprise Code of Zhejiang into the “96871” Enterprise Service Platform so that enterprises can receive such one-stop services as consultation, financing, industrial chain cooperation, etc. Till now over 30,000 enterprises have successfully applied for their enterprise codes.

    Enterprises now can obtain the subsidies from the preferential policies with their computers and mobile phones after the policy management online has been improved, so they will not go to the service center offline any more for the same services. What’s more, the departments concerned can be familiar with enterprises’ needs and problems immediately, and provide one-stop services for them through this online service platform and strengthen their confidence.

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