Construction of Civilized City Upgraded to That of Model of Civilized City in Haiyan

  • Release date:2022-09-14  15:07
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  • Continuous consolidation of the construction of a civilized city depends on long-term efforts. Following the long-term mechanism “led by the government and supported and participated in by the public”, heads of residential buildings, Party members, officials, volunteers and the masses have worked hard closely to consolidate and improve the construction of Haiyan into a civilized city since the beginning of the year.

    In 2019, measures were made to encourage more than 10,000 heads of residential buildings to serve as volunteers of communities, which attracted civil servants to go to the communities to work as heads of residential buildings in their spare time. Every head of the residential building gathered basic information of five to fifteen households, made regular communications with them, collected public opinions at any time and worked as a long-term volunteer of communities to serve the people. More then 100,000 residents benefited from the services they provided.

    The county issued “Management and Service Contents of Heads of Residential Buildings” this June, which defines service requirements, residents’ rights and interests, etc, further giving play to the role of the heads of residential buildings in the construction of the civilized city.

    Persistent efforts are more easily acknowledged. The construction of the civilized city is a long-term hard task, so long-term efforts are indispensable. Building a perfect normal long-term mechanism is a premise to keep a civilized city civilized for long. In recent years, Beituan, a village of Haiyan, has implemented the morality index-based assessment system and assessed star-level civilized households to enhance villagers’ moral quality. Every quarter, households’ moral indexes are made public and linked up with the assessment of star-level civilized households and other incentive measures to encourage villagers to learn from each other for the improvement of their moral quality. In 2020, this village won the honor “National Civilized Village”.

    The county has implemented long-term mechanisms to stimulate all social forces to participate in the construction of the civilized city, familiarize every household with good manners and inspire all citizens to behave well in urban and rural areas, established the systems such as “Advising Citizens to Behave Well on Sundays” and “Jointly Constructing Civilized City on Saturdays” and put into effect the integrated reform of keeping the city tidy and green and the public service advertising system. Remarkable achievements have been made in inspiring citizens to enhance moral quality voluntarily.

    This year Yu Hua and Feng Lin have been invited to serve as Haiyan’s culture ambassador and civilization ambassador respectively to promote Haiyan’s high-quality construction of the national civilized city and demonstrate local civilization image, which will be conductive to motivating people’s enthusiasm to build a culturally advanced city and a civilized city and gather more forces to build a model city of common prosperity.

    In addition, the county has built many publicity brands at the community level based on “Lectures of Haiyan” such as “Haiyan ·Lectures by the Young”, “Haiyan Sister”, “Revolutionary Ambassador” and “Stories by Women” to attract the public to the construction of the civilized city. With a long-term management in mind, the county has been improving various measures, focusing its efforts on concrete targets and built platforms at various levels to serve the people, benefit the people and bring convenience to the people.

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