Activities Organized in Haiyan to Celebrate Chinese Farmers’ Harvest Festival

  • Release date:2022-12-15  15:15
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  • Recently, activities were organized in Liuzhuang Village of the Economic Development Zone of Haiyan to celebrate “Haiyan · Chinese Farmers’ Harvest Festival 2022”. Farmers gathered to share the joy of harvest and look forward to a promising future.


    The Festival kicked off with a spectacular dance. Many farmers were commended at the Festival such as ten representatives of grain growing experts, ten committed to developing agriculture based on technologies and machines and nine contributing much to promoting common prosperity as well as nine top pioneering villages and communities with developed collective economy.

    The Festival witnessed the establishment of the Common Prosperity Union of Liujia Yard. The Union was established based on the principle of “dominated by the government, driven by the collective, supported by the public, voluntarily participated in by farmers and featured by the safe investment and stable proceeds” and operated on the mode of “social subjects plus village-based collective economy plus low-income farmers”.

    Themed by “Starting a new journey towards common prosperity”, the Festival organized other activities as well like enjoying rural delicacies and holding agricultural product fairs and exhibitions for intangible culture heritage and handcrafts.

    In recent years, the county has made great strides towards developing high-quality and high-efficiency agriculture, helped farmers live a prosperous life and built the countryside into habitable areas. Till now the county has made remarkable achievements in agricultural and rural development, ranked the ninth in Zhejiang and the first in Jiaxing in terms of the comprehensive evaluation of agricultural modernization level and has been awarded as a national advanced county in terms of digital agricultural and rural development for the third consecutive year. In the future, the county will take the Festival as an opportunity to speed up high-quality rural revitalization, make agriculture a promising industry, farmers proud of themselves and the countryside an area for happy and harmonious life to help Haiyan achieve high-quality development and build a common prosperity model.

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