Cultural Prosperity Achieved in Haiyan to Enrich People’s Life

  • Release date:2022-11-09  10:27
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  • Strengthening the community-based public cultural service capacity is an important part to benefit people by providing cultural services. In recent years, the county has made measures to put cultural development in a more prominent position, for example, upgrading public cultural infrastructures and enlarge and expand the supply of public cultural resources, to enhance cultural self-confidence by improving people’s cultural life. In order to realize the work goal “taking the lead in Zhejiang and striving to be a model”, the county has taken “achieving cultural prosperity to benefit the people” as the core, made constant innovations in and improved the system and mechanism of public cultural services to attract public cultural service resources to move to communities so that rural and urban people can both share excellent cultural achievements.

    In 2002, Haiyan was honor as a “National Culturally Advanced County”, and in 2018 as one of the first demonstration counties in terms of constructing rural cultural auditoriums of Zhejiang. In 2020, the county obtained the honor “A Demonstration Area of the Public Cultural Service System” with its best achievements of Zhejiang and ranked the seventh in the public cultural service appraisal in Zhejiang. Now in Haiyan there are three province-level cultural towns and 10 province-level cultural demonstration villages. All comprehensive cultural centers of the county have been built into superfine ones; and rural cultural auditoriums have been built in all rural areas.

    In order to create a “15-minute-walk quality cultural life circle” and meet people’s cultural needs, the county has adopted earlier measures to improve public cultural service centers at the county, town and village levels, and taken the lead in building a modern public cultural service network. In recent years, a number of cultural venues have been constructed and put into operation such as Zhang Yuanji Library, Zhang Yuanji Memorial Hall and Grand Theater of Haiyan. In conclusion, the county has achieved a historic breakthrough in the cultural infrastructure construction. In 2020, the construction of Culture and Art Center of Haiyan started, which means a new enormous achievement in the construction of county-level cultural facilities.

    High-quality staff are the basis for cultural prosperous development. Dispatching cultural administrators to work at towns and villages is a “gold business card” of local public culture. In 2010, Haiyan was the first county in Zhejiang to dispatch cultural administrators to towns and sub-districts to improve local cultural development level. With more cultural administrators being dispatched to communities and training mechanisms being established, the construction of grassroots cultural working teams has made remarkable progress and a large number of cultural activities have been organized. Now in Haiyan 723 cultural teams have been established such as rural choruses, rural art troupes, rural folk music troupes, calligraphy and painting clubs, photography clubs, literary clubs, etc. and every year they hold more than 7,000 cultural performances on average in urban and rural areas, greatly enriching people’s cultural life.

    In addition, much work has been done to strengthen cultural brands, for example, the cultural activities “Tourism Festival of South-north Lake” and “Happy Four Seasons · Charming Haiyan”, and the non-profit cultural training brands such as “Hanfeng”, “One Project, One Person”, and establish a long-term rural-urban cultural exchange mechanism “cultural visits” to enhance local cultural competitiveness, influence and publicity. In the future, the county will continue to enhance public culture quality, strive to realize innovative cultural development and all-round cultural prosperity and give full play to the cultural role in building a demonstration county of common prosperity to achieve cultural common prosperity.

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