More Supports Offered to Enterprises in Haiyan for High-quality Development of the Service Sector

  • Release date:2022-11-05  10:27
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  • Several days ago, the High-quality Development Conference of the Service Sector of Jiaxing  commended municipal Top Ten Towns (Sub-districts) of the Service Sector, Top Ten Innovative Enterprises of of the Service Sector, fourth starred commercial buildings, and top enterprises of the service sector for their high yields per acre. Wuyuan was honored as one of the Top Ten Towns (Sub-districts) of the Service Sector of Jiaxing in 2021; State Inspection and Testing Technology Co., Ltd. of Zhejiang as one of the Top Ten Innovative Enterprises; Zhongda Import and Export Edifice as a five-star business commercial building; Yinyan Building as a three-star commercial building, and Wanna Shenhe Holding Group Co., Ltd. as a leading enterprise above the designated size for its high yields per acre.

    Since the beginning of 2022, the county has taken steady and continuous steps to strengthen the high-quality development of the service sector, build a new system for its development through systematic planning, and issued the “14th Five-year Plan for the Development of the Service Sector of Haiyan” and “Three-year Action Plan for Improving the Service Sector of Haiyan” to improve local key industries; the county has intensified efforts in foreign investment attraction and improvement of local enterprises of the service sector to enlarge the scale and enhance the quality of the service sector, set Wednesday as Investment Attraction Day for regular investment attraction, and implemented the system that the major government leaders are responsible for investment attraction to ensure the settlement and operation of the attracted projects. Besides, the county has offered strong helps to enterprises, created a better business environment, organized a series of promotion activities like “Dragon Boat Culture Festival of Haiyan” and “Enjoying Happy Life in Haiyan, Striving for Common Prosperity” and prepared various consumer vouchers for consumers.

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