Leading Officials

  • Release date:2022-11-21  09:26
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  • Name: Gu Qiuli

    Post:  Acting county head

    Division of work: She is in charge of the overall work of Haiyan County People’s Government as acting county head.

    Name: Cao Huiming

    Post: Executive deputy county head

    Division of work: He is in charge of the executive work of the county government, assists county head with finance and audit work. He is also in charge of the work of the Office of Haiyan County People’s Government and the work of development and reform, justice, natural resources and planning, housing and urban and rural development, civil air defense, transportation, ports, maritime affairs, emergency management, comprehensive law enforcement, urban management, housing provident funds, water supplies, port areas, people’s armed forces, taxation, electricity, etc.

    Name: Zhan Limin

    Post: Deputy county head

    Division of work: He is in charge of the work of economy and information technology, finance, investment attraction, commerce, tertiary industry, development of nuclear power industry, postal service, economic development zones, tobacco monopoly, communications, etc.

    Name: Xu Shengjuan

    Post: Deputy county head

    Division of work: She is in charge of the work of civil affairs, human resources and social security, affairs of ex-servicemen, market supervision, archives, history, ethnic and religious affairs, the affairs of the disabled, the affairs of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, etc

    Name: Hu Fei

    Post:Deputy county head

    Division of work:He is in charge of the work of ecological environment, water resources, agriculture and rural affairs, food and material reserves, supply and marketing, meteorology, etc.

    Name: Zhuang Jiayue

    Post: Deputy county head

    Division of work: He assists deputy county head with the work of the Office of Haiyan County People’s Government and the work of development and reform, and is in charge of the work of transparency of government affairs, anti smuggling, coastal defence, Haiyan’s participation in the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, construction of railways,  Haiyan’s supporting national and provincial underdeveloped areas, supervision of state-owned assets, science and technology, statistics, government services, data resource management, government offices, handling of proposals, etc.

    Name: Fan Zhenghua

    Post: Deputy county head

    Division of work:He is in charge of the work of education, culture, tourism, sports, radio and television, health, medical security, etc.

    Name: Shao Yuqiang

    Post: Deputy county head

    Division of work:He is in charge of the work of Bureau of Public Security and the work of national security, etc.

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