Accurate Measures Made in Haiyan to Improve Business Environment

  • Release date:2022-11-14  10:29
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  • Several days ago, Haiyan issued “Implementation Plan of Improving Business Environment of Haiyan 2022” (hereinafter referred to as the Plan), according to which, the county will fully improve and optimize business environment on all fronts, settle the problems existing in market entities’ access to, exit from and operation in the market and achieve new breakthroughs in key areas and points to realize “the simplest administrative examination and approval procedure, highest work efficiency, best open markets and enterprises’ strongest sense of fulfillment” to remarkably activate market entities’ vitality and enhance their development quality.

    In 2022, the county will work harder to enhance enterprises’ whole-life-circle management service in all respects, build a more convenient and efficient government environment, create a market environment of fair competition, and reassure enterprises and strengthen their confidence, according to the Plan.

    In terms of enterprises’ whole-life-circle management services, the county will strengthen the service capability in terms of enterprises’ registration and cancellation of registration by realizing the goal of “one-stop application, one-window acceptance and one-stop receipt, and online handling within one day” to facilitate enterprises’ registration, as well well the goal of “one-stop cancellation of enterprises’ business license, official seals, certificates and bank accounts and handling of bankruptcy procedures and tax reviews” so that the whole registration and cancellation will be enhanced on all fronts.

    In terms of continuous improvement of government environments, the county will endeavor to facilitate government services, enhance “indiscriminate acceptance” and “counter-less” service mechanisms of the government service halls, promote “proof-less” reforms, upgrade “one-thing” services, implement the “one-thing” reform concerning 75 items beneficial to enterprises and people, strengthen the application of “one-network” mechanism based on “innovation made in a region but shared by the whole province”, extend “one-network” services to villages and communities, strive to make the “one-network” applications for government services account for 90% of all applications.

    In terms of creating a market environment of fair competition, the county will lower the threshold of market access, conduct a comprehensive appraisal of the market access, deepen the reform of “separating business licenses from certificates”, fully implement the national “negative list” system on the market access, explore how to volunteer to make credit repairs, deepen the “one-thing” reform on credit repairs, try to use such regulatory modes as “Regulatory Sandbox” and “Trigger Regulation”, keep the investigation into fair competitions more transparent, enhance the transaction of public resources, clear discriminatory and unfair rules and apply “electronic bids” more widely.

    The county will intensify efforts to implement preferential policies, keep those policies directly and rapidly available to enterprises and focus on the rapid implementation of “5+4” policy package to activate market entities’ vitality, make digital reform achievements available to all enterprises, accelerate the online implementation of preferential policies, strengthen government-enterprise communications, provide more channels for enterprises to raise questions, build good government-enterprise relationships, improve government-enterprise interactive mechanisms backed up by the platform “Online Direct Services to Enterprises”, the platform “96871”, enterprise codes and offline communication channels.

    In addition, the county will strengthen financial services and integrated reforms, improve legal guarantee systems, better the transactions of public resources, and enhance the competitiveness of business environment to build a market and law-based business environment with international characteristics.

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