Intelligent Blocks Constructed to Optimize Urban Governance of Haiyan

  • Release date:2021-11-26  10:32
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  • Since 2021, Haiyan has striven to settle people’s difficulties and problems, push forward with digitized reform and construct “intelligent blocks” to improve urban fine and intelligent management.

    Since this October, Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau of Haiyan has begun intelligent  management of Haixing Road and Baichi Road by fixing high-definition monitors able to shoot illegal parking, prevent urban sabotage and test manhole covers to make illegal acts public. Thanks to intelligent monitors and off-site law enforcement, “robots” now replace workers to take on-site photos, write out tickets, i.e., “discovering, warning, reviewing and handling” now are done intelligently.

    The intelligent monitor of the intelligent block can analyze what is monitored automatically, accurately identify illegal business, and submit automatically relevant information to law enforcement teams online within 10 minutes through “Haiyan Intelligent Urban Management Information System”. With the functions of transferring information, locating and monitoring targets, the system is fixed in the intelligent block to monitor manhole covers round the clock. When the manhole covers are damaged, missing or in wrong places, automatic alarm will be triggered and workers can identify, locate and track which manhole cover goes wrong.

    In the future, problem-oriented measures will be taken to settle difficulties and hot spots in grassroots governance by information technologies, surveillance cameras and intelligent reminders to make urban governance more sophisticated and intelligent.

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