Haiyan Honored as National Agricultural Products Security County

  • Release date:2019-11-06  14:10
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  • In recent days, Haiyan has been honored as a National Agricultural Products Security County.

    Since the construction of the national agricultural products security county, this county has innovated supervision systems based on strict standards, strengthened responsibility awareness, focused on standardized production, intelligent supervision, quality traceability and credit to build a secure county for its agricultural products quality. As a result, the agricultural products quality of the whole county tends to be better. Over 99% of agricultural products live up to the standard according to the test and no accidents arising from agricultural products quality have happened for eight years in a row. The agricultural product security mechanism tends to be more perfect. All agricultural products are in control and traceable. A rising number of consumers are satisfied with agricultural products quality and they familiarize themselves with agricultural products through governments’ popularization, science activities and legal publicity. The county has established a commitment system, a “black list system” , a credit file system, an open day when agricultural products quality can be checked free of charge, and a mechanism to reward those reporting agricultural products security problems. Therefore the public service and management concerning agricultural products have been greatly improved. Various government departments have given full play to their roles in supervising and checking agricultural products, closely cooperated in launching special campaigns like cracking down on selling fake agricultural materials, strengthened and enlarged law enforcement more forcefully and frequently, and conducted ten special campaigns concerning building a national agricultural product quality county like supervising agricultural products, establishing a traceability system, and eliminating the hidden dangers of agricultural products to ensure the security of agricultural products production and consumption.    

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