Ganpu Port Industrial Park

  • Release date:2010-12-29  11:16
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  •   This park is located southeast of Ganpu Town,adjacent to Hangzhou Bay in the southeast, connected with Ganpu Industrial Park in the west and with Qinshan Industrial Park in the North.Its total planned area is about 7.1 square kilometers (including the waters within it). It has advantages in water transportation with the navigation capacity of cargos from 5000 ton to 10,000 tons because of the Hangzhou Bay channel.Its main function is defined as shipbuilding, automobile manufacturing, logistics & warehousing, hardware manufacturing and others.

      At the same time, there are Shendang industrial functional park in Shendang town, Tongyuan industrial functional park in Tongyuan town, and Yucheng industrial functional park in Yucheng town.Shendang Industrial Functional park has its advantages in paper-making, auto parts making, and machinery manufacturing industries. Tongyuan industrial functional park has its advantages in garment processing and lighting industry. Yucheng industrial functional park has its advantages in inland-river-terminal based logistics and fastener industries.

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