Foreign (Taiwan) Business Investment Park

  • Release date:2010-12-29  11:15
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  •   Foreign (Taiwan) Business Investment Park in Haiyan Economic Development Zone is defined as an area for foreign and Taiwan investment and an advanced manufacturing and port logistics-oriented economic growth pole in the northern parrt of the county town. The park is adjacent to Haiyan exit of Hangzhou-Pudong expressway, and in its east is Haiyan-Jiaxing highway. As there is a fifth-class watercourse with a navigable capability of 1000 ton cargo, inland shipping has a great advantage in the park.The park is planned to cover an area of 118.62 hectares.It is planned to consist of two zones. One is for modern logistics industry, and the other for advanced manufacturing industry. The former, in response to the construction of a multi-purpose river port terminal, will focus on the development of loading and unloading, warehousing, logistics and other integrated functions; the latter will focus on hardware and machinery, electronic appliances industries, adopting a spacial pattern of combining layout of large enterprises with specialization

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