Haiyan Technological Innovation Park

  • Release date:2010-12-29  11:14
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  •   Established in 2008, Haiyan Technological Innovation Park is a plateform to promote industrial restructuring and upgrading, develop high-tech industries, and promote modern service industries in Haiyan county.The park is located in the north of city proper of Haiyan county, adjacent to Wuyuan New Zone. It is the core of the extension zone of the city and Binhai New District, where Xinqiao Road, the trunk highway of the city, crosses through. It core part is planned to cover an area of 1.3 square kilometers. Its main function is defined as headquarter economy, technology service and modern service industries. In order to make full use of the cluster effects of headquarters in brain, information and technology, universities, research institutions, and medium and large enterprises are encouraged to set up headquarters, R&D and service agencies here. Preferential policies have been made to support its construction. All this will promote economic transformation and upgrading of Haiyan county.

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