Advantages in Cultural Environment

  • Release date:2010-12-28  19:22
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  •   Haiyan county is one of the birthplaces of Songze culture and rich in cultural heritages.There have been large numbers of celebrities in ages.In recent years, the county government attaches so great importance to culture and education that there is complete educational infrastructure and the quality of teaching has been greatly raised. Good news has come one after another in the national university entrance examination. In 2009, 6 students in Haiyan County scored into the top 100 in Zhejiang province. In 2010, Zhong Junyi, a senior student from Yuanji Middle schoolwas awarded arts champion of Zhejiang Province with an entrance score of 725.

      Holding the principle of "convenience, efficiency, standardization, and being clean" and countinously raising the efficiency of administrative examination and approval, Haiyan County Administrative Examination and Approval Center has been awarded one of the first batch of provincial "demonstration administrative service center" in Zhejiang, "Excellent administrative examination and approval service center" in Jiaxing, star-class grassroot office people are satisfied with in Jiaxing."And therefore, this good cultural environment and top quality of teaching create a good atmosphere for investors and the education of their children.

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