Shopping in Haiyan

  • Release date:2010-12-23  16:52
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  •   Haiyan is a famous production base organic food, with its well-known orange, tea, nison duck, green drink, Kohlrabi, tiny egg plant and so on.

    Nison duck

      Nison Duck, a golden medal product on Zhejiang Agricultural Fair, is made from mallard ducks. It is popular in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, characterized with fresh, tender and delicious meat, strong game, the features of other processed ducks in China, and with the flavor of ham and chicken as well.


    Huangshawu orange

      In an area surrounded by mountains and seashore, with a unique local climate, Huangshawu orange is shining in appearance. With thin peel, it tastes tender and fresh.


    Yingkeding tea

      Yingkeding, a place in Ganpu Town in Haiyan, originally means eagle nest in Chinese. Nanbei Lake area is famous for its tea because of its red soil with appropriate acidity, rich organic matter, phosphorous, potassium and microelements. Its peculiar geographic position and cloudy and foggy weather contribute to its unique tea.


    Cai Yi silk products

      The products of Cai Yi Silk Crafts Co., Ltd, provides a great variety of silk scarves, clothing, purses, silk painting and so on, with vivid and realistic effect.

    Easysport fitness equipment

      Easysport is a famous domestic brand, including healith testing equipments, casual suits for outdoor activity and fitness equipments.


    The turnip and mini-eggplant of Bingsheng Brand

    Turhip has been grown in Haiyan for more than one hundred years.The turnip and mini-eggplant of Bingsheng Brand are crisp in peel and tender in flesh, being processed in traditional techniques through seven procedures, during which are are prepared in a small jars.

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